Instructions for Viewing Grades and Grader Comments in WebCT Assignments

Once an assignment is graded, its grade will show up in the Grades section.  Here, the grade is 6 out of 6.

To read the grader comments for the "Example Assigment," I go to that assignment in the Assessments section.  (Notice that because the assignment is graded, it has a little drop-down menu, marked by a downward arrowhead.)

Clicking on the little arrowhead to the right of "Example Assessment" pops up a box, with the option to "View Submission" (the answer submitted for that assignment).

Clicking on
"View Submission"  takes me to each 'attempt' submitted for the assignment.  (Usually I allow only one attempt at an assignment.)

Clicking on the blue "Attempt 1" brings up the answer I submitted, with grader comments below it.


Here the score is 6 out of 6, and the comment is "Great!"

this page last updated 5/20/09 by bb

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