topic may not be fully explored; development is adequate although some ideas
may be incompletely supported or irrelevant; interesting ideas in places;
main ideas stand out but reader may sometimes have difficulty following flow
of ideas.
topic explored only superficially and inadequately developed with many ideas
unsupported or irrelevant; ideas frequently confused and/or disconnected,
with logical breakdowns apparent; reader frequently has difficulty “getting
the point” of message as communicated
shows no awareness of reader needs; ideas superficial and/or uninteresting
with little development; logical organization absent
few ideas or little information; no organization; OR not enough to evaluate
adequate range of structures, but little variety; tends to overuse simple
constructions; both significant and minor errors (e.g. agreement) present,
but meaning seldom obscured
limited range of structures with control of grammar uncertain; errors frequent,
especially when more complex constructions attempted; meaning often confused
or obscured
frequent and persistent errors of basic grammar and sentence construction;
meaning blocked as text dominated by errors
7-0 meaning almost totally
blocked OR not enough to evaluate
language choices appropriate for topic, purpose and reader; excellent use
of idioms and precise, colorful vocabulary; little or no evidence of English
17-14language choices usually appropriate for topic,
purpose and reader; vocabulary accurate but may be somewhat limited; some
errors or interference may be present but meaning rarely obscured
language choices sometimes inappropriate for topic, purpose and reader; vocabulary
very limited, with overuse of imprecise or vague terms; English interference
evident, particularly with respect to idioms; meaning often confused or obscured
language choices often inappropriate for topic, purpose and reader; range
of vocabulary extremely limited; English interference frequent
language choices obscure meaning beyond recognition; OR not enough to evaluate
from Valdés, Guadalupe et al.Composición:
Proceso y síntesis.
3ª edición.Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999.