Association for Childhood Education International, ACEI at EIU is
one of the liveliest, oldest, largest, professional teaching organizations for education majors as well as for inservice teachers, scholars and researchers, K-8, worldwide.  We hope you will be interested in becoming a member of EIU/ACEI.

EIU ACEI homepage

Visit the homepage of ACEI International for history, purposes and goals, current activities and teacher communication links worldwide, books and articles, and coming events, especially the  International Conference
Children at the Crossroads: Educating All to Move Forward
Westin Michigan Avenue, in Chicago, IL

March 18 - 21, 2009

Plan to attend.
This is the first time in many years that we have had the International Conference in Illinois!

Mrs. Barford's resource page for 3-in-a-row multicultural games,
ACEI International Conference, 2008
ROE#11 Fall Classic, 2008

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