Snow Quotes

People are kind of like snowflakes. There is no one like us; we all have different skills or designs that make us who we are.

P. Eveland - 8th Grade


A small triangle floats from the sky. It settles on the ground among thousands of others. There isn't a replica of it anywhere. Once it's's gone forever.

M. Kuhn - 8th Grade


Snowflakes are beautiful little things that fall from the sky, each one with its very own design...special and unique in its own way.

A. Smiley - 8th Grade


Snowflakes are one form of nature's intricate beauty. The fact that none of these geometric shapes is the same is mind boggling. Next time you see snow, think of all the geometric shapes.

P. Chouinard - 8th Grade


It's a wonder that so much beauty has been lost. Every time it snows, all new designs fall out of the sky. Then, when they melt, they are lost, never to be seen again.

S. Bower - 8th Grade


With every falling flake, a unique spark of interest falls from heaven.

P. Miller - 8th Grade


Somewhere in the heavens an angel made this delicate, flawless masterpiece. Then the angel sent this work of art down to Earth as a gift of beauty. People ignored it, forgetting that this work of art, this beautiful gift, was one of a kind.

C. Preston - 8th Grade


Some say that all good things must come to an end. The same applies to snow. As it melts, all of its great and wonderful beauty ends and is lost forever.

S. Canivez - 8th Grade


The snow was whiter than what seemed possible.

J. McSparin - 8th Grade


A little snowflake falls from the sky
Like a new kid moves to a new junior high
Different and unique like everyone else
Who will notice except for itself ?
No one will watch, no one will see
How amazing and unique this thing may be
So next time it snows just look down
And watch to see what can be found

A. Phinney - 8th Grade