CHM3915 Physical Chemistry lab

Link to ACS journals. You can use this link to get to the literature data paper for the Binary Phase Diagram experiment. Find the relevant journal and then select the appropriate Decade, Volume and Issue number (based on the page number given). You will be able to download a PDF version of the reference.

Class meeting times and groups - Each week you need to attend the Monday 3pm lecture and one of the lab sessions indicated in the table below (we'll decide upon groups during the first class meeting).

Group #
Meeting time
Group members

Schedule (includes deadlines):

Schedule & Course information

Pre-lab assignments
Links to pre-lab assignments that must be completed and turned in before lab. Failure to complete the pre-lab assignment will result in your being unable to carry out the lab experiment.

All pre-lab assignments are due by 9am on day of lab (or at 8am if your lab starts at 8am).

Useful course links
Links to additional handouts or external links to sites of interest.

- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the PDF files on this site. Click on the button to the left to download this software for free.