1. go to Start menu
select "control panel"
select "language and regional"
select the language you want (in the pull
down arrow)
Click OK
5.Close all your windows
6. Open your word processor: "word," "word
perfect," etc. (in the bottom right hand corner you should see "English
(US)" to change it...)
7. Press Shift-Alt at the same time (now it
should say "SP for Spanish (Mexico, Spain, etc)
8. Start typing. The keys are:
"[" plus a letter will give you the accent
mark over that letter for example: [a =á [e =é
"=" gives you ¿
"+" gives you ¡
":" gives you ñ (shift ":" gives you
"shift [" will give you ü, Ü
(you'll repeat steps 6-8 every time you want
to use the Spanish keyboard.)
(you can switch between Spanish and English
any time)
You can change your setting to any language you want.
II. Second Options: Change the
key board
1. go to Start menu
2. select "settings"
3. select "control panel"
4. select keyboard (you'll see a new window)
5. select "input locals"
6. go to "properties"
7. select the language and click OK, OK
8. Close all your "setting windows"
9. follow steps 6,7 and 8 from option # I
good luck