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[Student's name]

 Advanced Composition: Writing in the Wild
Assignment Index
Fall, 2002

[appropriate image, to be inserted later]

 I.  Writing in the Wild Research Project

 A.  Formal letter confirming the arrangement at your research site

 B.  Formal proposal for your research project C. Working bibliography and research links

D. Preliminary research report

E. Fifteen-minute oral presentation/progress report

F.  Formal report on the findings of your research

G. Formal letter summarizing the results of your findings, thanking them for their participation, giving them the URL of your assignment index, and so on (no need to post this letter here)

 II. Peer Critiques

A. On a proposal draft

B. On two oral presentations

C. On a formal report draft

 III. Self-Commentaries

A. On formal letter and proposal writing

B. On oral presentation

C. On the semester as a whole