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English 3001
Regarding Software, and Its Availability

In order to set up and develop your web site for this class, you need to become familiar with the following software:

Netscape (which is one type of Internet browser)

 Netscape Composer (which is one type of Web Page [HTM or HTML] Editor)

(You can also use other webpage editors if you're already used to them, such as FrontPage Express, but if you do, and if you use different programs at different times, BE SURE to check for the accuracy of file names!  Some programs automatically change the names of files written with other editing programs, often by capitalizing lower-case letters, or by adding or deleting an "l" at the end of file names.)

Netscape comes with many personal computers, with the exception of those manufactured by Apple Computer. Composer is a part of Netscape and is installed automatically when you install Netscape.  If you want to download Netscape onto your computer, go here:

The software you'll need for this course is on the computers at several computer labs around campus. If you can't find something on a computer, ask a lab attendant to make sure which is available and on which machines the software is installed. Most convenient for your purposes are the two labs run by EIU Computer Services. Go here to find out more about these labs:

For a map with links to information on particular EIU computer labs, click here:


WS_FTP LE is software that allows you to transfer files from your local computer (in our example the files are stored on your A: drive) to the computer (the server) on which your web page is stored.  Once your files are on the server, they are available to be viewed by anyone who has a connection to the internet.  If you have your own computer and it doesn't have WS_FTP LE, you can go here to download the software for free:

Note! You need to look down the list of available software on this page and select WS_FTP LE; it's down a bit, on the right side of the page. Once you download it, and begin installation, it might ask you if you are a student, and if you plan to use the software for school. If you answer yes to both questions, you can use the software for free. If you download any other version of the software, you must eventually pay for it!

 For an alternative set of instructions on how to use WS_FTP go here: