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Peer Review of Oral Presentations

(Be sure to review this page carefully right before you review
each of two of your classmates' presentations so that
you'll have the guidelines for this assignment in mind as you listen.)

As we’ve noted, one goal here is to imitate as best we can a professional environment, particularly one in which writers collaborate with each other toward better final research projects. The peer critiques that you write this semester will contribute toward that goal. Remember that you will be graded on these peer critiques, and that the grade will be based on the sincerity of your efforts to really help the colleague whose work you are assessing. Your goal here is, of course, to help a classmate learn to present his or her ideas more effectively and to achieve a better grade. In addition, going through these steps should also cause you to reflect on how to improve your own presentation skills.

Jot down notes for this peer review assignment in class as best you can while listening to each of the presentations given by the two people you are critiquing. Outside of class, write two or three paragraphs about each presentation in response to the guidelines below; as always, concision and clarity are essential. Then post them as one labeled document, linked to the appropriate section of your assignment index (as with all assignments, make sure that this one has a link back to the assignment index). Also be sure to hand in your grading sheets to Dr. Engles.  Your last step is to send two more e-mail messages, one to each of the presenters--cut and paste into these messages the URL for your pair of posted critiques so that the presenters can easily find it (their e-dresses are available here). The deadline for doing all of this is one week after the presentation of the second person you critique.
Remember, too, that your comments are meant to help your presenters with their oral presentation skills, as well as with their final report. Offer any helpful ideas or suggestions you might have on their presentation skills and methods.
Each peer critique you write should address the following elements of the presentation; you do not need to address all of the writing prompts offered below as questions:
a) Socio-economic class: bell hooks
c) Individual/collaborative writing: Susan Kleimann
d) Race and gender: McIntosh
e) Literary versus business style: McKeown