NFSI Region 4 - Meteorology Session

The National Weather Service

On Saturday, October 18, 1997, Region 4 participants visited the facilities of the National Weather Service in Lincoln, IL. This special opportunity was a result of their participation in the ISBE sponsored project - Near & Far Sciences for Illinois. In addition to the weekend workshop devoted to the topic of meteorology, the teachers collaborated in programs focusing on astronomy and geology. Prior to the completion of the N&FS initiative, each teacher will conduct a one-day shadow study of a scientist working in one of these three fields. The long term goal of the N&FS project is to prepare a statewide cadre of teachers who can serve as science consultants for each Regional Office of Education.

Left - The Doppler radar tower which stands guard outside the National Weather Service building. Right - Checking local wind speed and direction

Left - Preparing to launch a hydrogen filled weather balloon. Right - On its way to 100,000 ft. while transmitting 100 minutes of data.

Left - Reading the mercury level in the barometer to determine air pressure. Right - Preparing to announce a weather warning. Note the computer screen displaying a graphic from the April 19, 1996 Urbana - Ogden, IL tornado.

National Weather Service - Lincoln, IL

NFS Region 4 - Astronomy Session

NFS Region 4 - Geology Session

CyberScience '98