Professional Experiences

Professor of Psychology
   Eastern Illinois University
   600 Lincoln Avenue
   Charleston, IL 61920
   (217) 581-2127 FAX (217) 581-6764

Professor: August 2003 to present
Associate Professor: August 1998 to July 2003
Assistant Professor: August 1995 to July 1998
Acting Coordinator: School Psychology Program, August 2004 to June 2005
Acting Coordinator: School Psychology Program, August 2022 to December 2022 

Responsibilities: Teaching graduate classes in school psychology, directing and serving on thesis committees, supervising students in the School Psychology Training Program, undergraduate psychology instruction, authored and maintained the Psychology Department Web Site (prior to 2003), assisting in maintaining Psychology Department Macintosh Computers hardware and software, and conducting original research. Undergraduate classes taught included Psychological Measurements: Fundamental Principles; Psychology of Adolescence and Young Adulthood; Abnormal Behavior; Controversial Topics in Psychology; Experimental Psychology; and Methods of Behavior Management. Graduate classes taught included Advanced Psychological Measurement; Individual Intellectual Assessment; Child and Adolescent Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment; Child Psychopathology; Behavior Therapy with Children & Adolescents; Theories and Application of Psychological Consultation; Clinical Practicum in School Psychology; and Lifestyle and Career Development.

Senior Editor
   School Psychology Review
   National Association of School Psychologists

   January 2020 to present

Sport Psychologist/Consultant/Owner
   Apex Sport Psychology Services
   P.O. Box 2206
   Champaign, IL 61825
   August 1995 to present

Responsibilities: Apex Sport Psychology Services was created to design, develop, implement, and evaluate small group and individual sport psychology services for athletes at all competitive levels. Introductory workshops, mental skills training, and consulting are provided.

Sport Psychologist/Consultant
   Eastern Illinois University
   600 Lincoln Avenue
   Charleston, IL 61920
   (217) 581-6413 FAX (217) 581-6764
   August 1995 to present

Responsibilities: Design, development, implementation, and evaluation of group and individual sport psychology services for intercollegiate athletes and consultation with intercollegiate athletics coaching staff. Intercollegiate athletic teams and individuals participating included Tennis (Men & Women), Basketball (Women), Track (Men & Women), Cross-Country (Men & Women), Baseball (Men), Softball (Women), Golf (Men & Women), and Wrestling (Men).

Associate Editor
   Archives of Scientific Psychology
   American Psychological Association

   December 2015 to December 2020

Associate Editor
   Psychological Assessment
   American Psychological Association

   January 2011 to June 2015

School Psychologist
   Tempe School District #3
   3205 S. Rural Road, P.O. Box 27708
   Tempe, AZ 85282
   (602) 730-7100 FAX (602) 730-7177
   August 1990 to June 1995

Responsibilities: Providing psychological services for Tempe School District #3. Activities included consultation, psychological evaluation, counseling, referral, statistical analyses, committee work, inservice training, and intern and practicum student supervision.

Adjunct Associate Professor
   Northern Arizona University
   Center for Excellence in Education, Phoenix Regional Center
   18401 N. 32nd Street
   Phoenix, AZ 85032
   (602) 493-2728 FAX (602) 493-2730
Adjunct Associate Professor: August 1994 to June 1995
Adjunct Assistant Professor: May 1988 to July 1994

Responsibilities: Teaching graduate level courses in the Master of Arts in Education: Counseling program. Courses taught included Tests and Measurement, Vocational Counseling and Career Development, Consultation in the Helping Professions, Applied Educational Psychology, Applied Behavior Management, Adolescent Psychology, and Human Development.

Faculty Associate
   Arizona State University-West Campus
   College of Education and Human Services
   P.O. Box 37100
   Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100
   (602) 543-6300
   June 1989 to May 1991

Responsibilities: Teaching graduate level courses in the College of Education and Human Services. Courses taught included Psychology of the Adolescent, Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Education, and Learning and Instruction.

School Psychologist
   Deer Valley Unified School District #97
   20402 N. 15th Ave.
   Phoenix, AZ 85027
   (602) 581-7700
   August 1987 to June 1990

Responsibilities: Providing psychological services for the Deer Valley Unified School District. Activities included consultation, psychological evaluation, counseling, referral, committee work, and inservice training.

School Psychologist Intern
   Williamson County Special Education District
   113 S. Russell
   Marion, IL 62959
   (618) 993-2138
   August 1986 to June 1987

Responsibilities: Providing psychological services in a special education cooperative. Activities included psychological evaluation, counseling, consultation, behavior assessment, referral, and inservice training.

Supervisors: Candace Baker, Ed.S., Site Supervisor; Karen K. Prichard, Ph.D., University Supervisor

Statistical Consultant
   Truants' Alternative & Optional Education Program
   1300 N. 11th Street
   Springfield, IL 62702
   May 1986 to October 1986

Responsibility: Provide consultation on data collection and statistical analyses in the development of regression equations for predicting high school dropouts.

Assessment Consultant
   Utah State University
   Early Intervention Research Institute
   May 1986

Responsibility: Conduct post-test assessments of birth to three early childhood intervention programs in the Wabash & Ohio Valley Special Education District.

Sport Psychology & Counseling Consultant

   Carbondale Community High School
   Student Athlete Program
   Carbondale, IL 62901
   October 1983 to May, 1984

Responsibilities: Design, development, and implementation of a program attending to the needs of high school athletes. Needs addressed included life-management skills, career planning, and enhancing athletic performance through relaxation, concentration, and imagery techniques.

Supervisor: Michael K. Altekruse, Ed.D.