The Greenhouse Effect

"The greenhouse effect is caused when atmospheric gasses behave as a blanket and trap radiation which is then re-radiated to Earth."

FALSE.  This statement is wrong, do not believe it.

The greenhouse effect and global warming are two entirely different processes.

Greenhouse Effect: the name applied to the process which causes the surface of the Earth to become warmer than it would have been without an atmosphere.

Global Warming: the increase (we think) in the magnitude of the greenhouse effect whereby the surface becomes warmer than it would be with just the greenhouse effect operating.

So why is there a greenhouse effect?
The surface of the earth is warmer than it would be in the absence of an atmosphere because it receives energy from two sources: the sun and the atmosphere.

The earth receives nearly twice as much energy from the atmosphere as it does from the sun.

The temperature of the earth would average ~ 30°C (~ 54°F) colder than it is today.

If we look at the energy budget of the northern hemisphere, we can see that there is an imbalance - more energy is received in equatorial regions and less in polar regions.  This is primarily due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis, but is also a function of regional differences in albedo, land distribution and

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Contact: John Stimac