His 2400, Fall 2002, Mid-Term Exam I (review sheet).

Exam is on Oct. 7. (You should already have submitted three exam booklets for all the tests in this course.)


Part 1. (40%) Compare and contrast the meaning and significance of two terms chosen from the following list in one essay of at least four paragraphs. Each comparison should identify each term by explaining what it is, locating it in time or place and indicating its historical significance. Be sure and argue some form of connection (be it one of similarity, contrast, chronology, cause, effect, etc.). [As this part wants you to think of the big picture, you might use some of the other terms related to the one you are defining to help make your point.] I will put six to eight of the following terms on the test:


--studia humanitatis, Lorenzo Valla, civic humanism, Desiderius Erasmus, indulgences, sola fide, sola scriptura, justification by faith, cujus regio, ejus religio, John Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Counterreformation, Council of Trent


--new monarchy, reconquista, battle of Lepanto, Concordat of 1516, St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre (1572), Edict of Nantes, Armada, Philip II, resistance theory, divine right theory, Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XIV, Versailles, absolutism, English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, constitutional monarchy, Prussia, junker, Peter the Great


--mercantilism, Navigation Acts, War of Spanish Succession, asiento, War of Austrian Succession, Seven Year's War


--chain of being, Aristotelian-Christian cosmos, Copernican revolution, Newtonian synthesis, Enlightenment philosophes, Deism, physiocrats


--enlightened despotism, National Assembly, revolt of the Third Estate, October Days, Sans-Culottes, Jacobins, Girondins, Maximilién Robespierre, the Terror, Thermidorian reaction

            Part 2. (40%) There will be a series of quotes from documents assigned: Tierney and Scott, Documentary, section 1 (pp. 6-13) & 2 (pp. 39-46) [Absolutism, Crown & Parliament, Civil War], section 3 (pp. 68-75, 78-84) [Commerce, North America, Far East], section 3 (pp. 85-99) [Old Colonial, European Empires], section 4 (pp. 102-30) [Nature, God, Progress, Skepticism, Politics]; and Voltaire, Candide. [A] Analyze one short passage. In one paragraph explain the writer's argument, intention, and the historical context (period, problem or crisis) of the passage. Focus discussion on the passage cited. [B] Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two of the quotes not selected to write on [A]. Again be sure to compare argument, intention, and context.

            Part 3. (20%) Where in the World is Candide? Using maps in Perry, Western, 355, 391, 448, 453 to study from be able to discuss, answer questions (fill in the place), and locate on a map, the places with which Candide and his friends are associated: Westphalia, Prussia, France, Holland, Lisbon, Cadiz, Morocco, Tunis, Buenos Aires, Paraguay, Eldorado, Surinam, Paris, Portsmouth, Venice, Constantinople.