These drills require Macromedia's Shockwave here to download the plug-in.
Note Names
Treble Clef (in the staff only)
Treble Clef (ledger lines only)
Treble Clef
Bass Clef (in the staff only)
Bass Clef (ledger lines only)
Bass Clef
Great Staff
Alto Clef
Tenor Clef
Pitch on the Great Staff
Half and Whole Steps
Chromatic Half Steps Above
Chromatic Half Steps Below
Diatonic Half Steps Above
Diatonic Half Steps Below
Half Steps
Whole Steps Above
Whole Steps Below
Whole Steps
Half and Whole Steps
Major in Letters (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Major in Letters (all keys)
Major on the Keyboard (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Major on the Keyboard (all keys)
Natural Minor in Letters (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Natural Minor in Letters (all keys)
Natural Minor on the Keyboard (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Natural Minor on the Keyboard (all keys)
Harmonic Minor in Letters (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Harmonic Minor in Letters (all keys)
Harmonic Minor on the Keyboard (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Harmonic Minor on the Keyboard (all keys)
Melodic Minor in Letters (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Melodic Minor in Letters (all keys)
Melodic Minor on the Keyboard (keys with up to three sharps or flats)
Melodic Minor on the Keyboard (all keys)
Minor on the Keyboard (all scale types and keys)
Major and Minor Scales in Letters (all keys)
Major and Minor Scales on the Keyboard (all keys)
Major Key Signatures
Treble Flat Keys
Treble Sharp Keys
Major Keys in Treble Clef
Bass Flat Keys
Bass Sharp Keys
Major Keys in Bass Clef
Alto Flat Keys
Alto Sharp Keys
Major Keys in Alto Clef
Tenor Flat Keys
Tenor Sharp Keys
Major Keys in Tenor Clef
Minor Key Signatures
Treble Flat Keys
Treble Sharp Keys
Minor Keys in Treble Clef
Bass Flat Keys
Bass Sharp Keys
Minor Keys in Bass Clef
Alto Flat Keys
Alto Sharp Keys
Minor Keys in Alto Clef
Tenor Flat Keys
Tenor Sharp Keys
Minor Keys in Tenor Clef
Major and Minor Key Signatures
Identify Major and Minor Keys by Number of Sharps or Flats
Identify Major and Minor Keys by Notated Signature
Natural Interval Sizes (Clefless)
Natural Interval Sizes in Treble Clef
Natural Interval Sizes in Bass Clef
Natural Interval Sizes on the Great Staff
Natural Seconds on the Great Staff
Natural Thirds on the Great Staff
Natural Fourths on the Great Staff
Natural Fifths on the Great Staff
Natural Sixths on the Great Staff
Natural Sevenths on the Great Staff
Natural Intervals in Treble Clef
Natural Intervals in Bass Clef
Natural Intervals on the Great Staff
Name Natural Seconds Above
Name Natural Seconds Below
Name Natural Seconds (Above or Below)
Name Natural Thirds Above
Name Natural Thirds Below
Name Natural Thirds (Above or Below)
Name Natural Fourths Above
Name Natural Fourths Below
Name Natural Fourths (Above or Below)
Name Natural Fifths Above
Name Natural Fifths Below
Name Natural Fifths (Above or Below)
Name Natural Sixths Above
Name Natural Sixths Below
Name Natural Sixths (Above or Below)
Name Natural Sevenths Above
Name Natural Sevenths Below
Name Natural Sevenths (Above or Below)
Name Natural Interval Above
Name Natural Interval Below
Name Natural Intervals (Above or Below)
Identify Ascending Natural Intervals from Letters
Identify Descending Natural Intervals from Letters
Identify (Ascending and Descending) Natural Intervals from Letters
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above a Natural Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Below a Natural Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above or Below a Natural Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above a Sharp Note (No Double Accidentals)
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above a Sharp Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Below a Sharp Note (No Double Accidentals)
Name Major or Minor Thirds Below a Sharp Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above a Flat Note (No Double Accidentals)
Name Major or Minor Thirds Above a Flat Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds Below a Flat Note (No Double Accidentals)
Name Major or Minor Thirds Below a Flat Note
Name Major or Minor Thirds
Name Major and Augmented Thirds Above
Name Major and Augmented Thirds Below
Name Augmented Thirds Above (No Double Accidentals)
Name Augmented Thirds Above
Name Augmented Thirds Below (No Double Accidentals)
Name Augmented Thirds Below
Name Augmented Thirds
Name Minor and Diminished Thirds Above
Name Minor and Diminished Thirds Below
Name Diminished Thirds Above (No Double Accidentals)
Name Diminished Thirds Above
Name Diminished Thirds Below (No Double Accidentals)
Name Diminished Thirds Below
Name Diminished Thirds
Name All Third Qualities
Unscramble Triads
Unscramble Seventh Chords
Major Triads in Letters
Minor Triads in Letters
Diminished Triads in Letters
Augmented Triads in Letters
Dominant Seventh Chords in Letters
Major Seventh Chords
Minor Seventh Chords
Diminished Seventh Chords in Letters
Half-Diminished Seventh Chords in Letters