His 4900, assignment 4.

Select a book in your field to review, find two reviews of the book (use H-Net, FirstSearch, Historical Abstracts, etc.), compare and contrast the author's and the reviewers’ expertise/background in the field, and compare and contrast the two reviews using the criteria in the handouts (2-3 pages, due 3 March)

for Wed. 19 Feb.: On Eisenstein, Printing Revolution (undergraduates & graduates, online <http://apm.brookes.ac.uk/publishing/contexts/impact/eisenst.htm>); Elizabeth J. Eisenstein, "Conclusion: Scripture and Nature Transformed," The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), 255-78 (graduate students; handout); Marius, through ch. 7. (Note: assignments 1-3 still accepted, but all must be turned in.)

His 4900, PageMaker 6.5 Tutorial

            --Create a New Publication

            --PageMaker Screen Elements

            --The Toolbox

            --Import Text and Images

            --Basic Text Formatting

            --Manipulate Text Blocks

            --Drawing Lines

            --Position Ruler Guidelines

            --Master Pages


Create and print at least one page using at least two of last year’s word files and blank PageMaker document. If an article does not fit, put a “cont’d. p. #” at bottom and put rest of text elsewhere. (due. 24 Feb.)