His 2400, Paper 1, contextual readings

Because I did not place the following on Booth Library reserve until September 30, 2003, you are not required to use the following. You may use your textbook as one secondary work to add context to the sources and either one or more of the following, or one or more online reference. Be sure to add a proper citation (as, for example, the department citation guide; be sure to include URL).


Donald Kagan, et. al., The Western Heritage: Brief Edition, II, Since 1648, 3rd ed. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002), chs. 17-18, esp. (18) section on Enlightenment and Society. CB245 .K28


Mark Kisklansky, Patrick Geary, and Patricia O’Brien, Civilization in the West, II, Since 1555 New York, 2003), chs. 17 & 19, esp. (17) section on empires of goods. CB245 .K546


John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, and John Buckler, A History of Western Society, 4th ed. (Boston, 1991), chs. 18-19, esp. (18) short section on development of Atlantic economy. CB245 .M265


R.R. Palmer and Joel Coulton, A History of the Modern World (1999?), esp. ch. on Enlightenment. D209 .P26 1995b