Basic Computing for Historians
September 11, 1998
Newton Key
1. Hardware, Software, Goal
--386, 486, 586 (pentium), Pentium II
--20-5 MHz, 50MHz, 75MHz, 166MHz, 200MHz, 300MHz, 400MHz
--640K, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB
--cards, caches, drives
--DOS, Win3.1, Win95, (WinNT & Win98)
--Word (Word97, vers. 4) , Wordperfect (WP5.1DOS, WP7)
--Communications package (loaded by Info. Technologies Services, 6030)
--Eudora, Netscape (Communicator ver. 4), L-View, WinQVT-98, WS_FTP95
--to be able to transfer and manipulate (enlarge, reduce, print) text,
pictures, sounds, movies from word processing, email, web files to create
web pages, posters, bibliographies, research drafts, etc.
2. Big-screen computer
--plugging in, turning on, and commanding from the remotes the Big Screen
teaching computer,
--LAN connection (larger at bottom, squeeze to remove)
--turning on (computer and sound)
--remote as mouse (left click also underneath)
--zip drive
3. Managing your desktop, taskbar, and "My Computer"
--Start (mouse, keyboard, ctrl-esc)
--Customizing taskbar, moving
--shortcuts (the sign) creating, deleting, properties (start in)
--dragging, creating shortcuts (including one for wp51, DOS) on desktop
--groovy wallpaper (fun, can be ignored)
--View, Options (in My Computer: to change file type to use to start a
file using a specific application [extensions])
4. Managing your computer (uh-oh: files and directories)
--using Find, Run, and Windows Explorer for finding your way around your
own computer, and maintaining files
--importance of Windows Explorer (click and shift to manipulate a number
of similar files)
--importance of Recycle Bin
--creating a temp file (creating two of them)
--running two Explorers (tile vertically)
5. Cut-and-paste
--ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-x (right-click Copy, Delete) or drag and drop (left
drag-and-drop just moves; right-click drag-and-drop is, well, different)
--cut-and-paste and downloading text, pictures, and programs from the Web
(Netscape 4),
--cut-and-paste and downloading text, pictures, and programs from word
6. Attachments
--emailing attachments and reading received attachments,
7. Saving
--Save As..., for transferring files between Word and Wordperfect.
--[elementary web construction; throwing syllabus on web--this may be reserved
for a later workshop]