Department of Communication Studies
Eastern Illinois University
600 E. Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Department Number: 217.581.2016
Department Fax: 217.581.5718
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Ph. D. in Communications, in August, 2001. Grade Point Average: 3.67/4.0
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Master of Arts in Communication Studies in August, 1996. Grade Point Average: 3.416/4.0.Master of Education specializing in Special Education in December, 1993 Grade Point Average: 3.363/4.0
Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX Visit their site!
Bachelor of Science in Education in December, 1991 Bachelor of Arts in December, 1991 Grade Point Average: 3.19/4.0
Assistant Professor
Speech Department, University of Eastern Illinois, Charleston, IL, August,
2001 to present.
Graduate Teaching Associate
University of Tennessee Speech Communication Department, Knoxville, TN, August, 1997 to August, 2001.
Taught stand alone classes of Public Speaking with around 25 students.
Associate Instructor
South Plains College Speech Communication Department, Lubbock Campus, Lubbock, TX., January, 1996 through May, 1996.
Taught stand alone class of Business and Professional Communication of 13 students.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Texas Tech University Communication Studies Department - Lubbock, TX., September, 1994 through May, 1996.
Taught stand alone sections of Public Speaking courses of from 60-67 students per semester.
Served as Administrator for the Director of the Public Speaking courses at Texas Tech University, Communication Studies Department.Preached and taught all ages, organized classes, counseled as Minister in the Church of Christ - 1976-1985.
General Manager of "The Post Dispatch", Post, TX, 1985-1989. This was a small weekly newspaper in West Texas.
"'A Ship Leading Itself. . .':
A Study of Two Methods to Teach The Public Speaking Course"
Committee members include: Michelle T. Violanti, Ph. D. (chair), John W. Haas, Ph. D., Carol Tenopir, Ph. D., Douglas Raber, Ph. D., Mark M. Miller, Ph. D.Thesis
"Communication Apprehension and Retention of College Students: A Focus Group Study"
Committee members include: Robert Stewart, Ed. D. (chair), David Roach, Ed. D., Bolanle Olaniran, Ph. D.
Marshall, R. K. (2006). An instrument to measure information competency. The Journal of Literacy and Technology: An Academic Journal . Retrieved July 13, 2006 from
Marshall, R. K. & Violanti, M. T., (2005). Individual conferencing and the Public Speaking Class. The Basic Communication Course Annual, 17 , 188-217.
Book Review
Marshall, R. K. (Ocotober, 2002). Cyberlines: Languages and cultures of the Internet . (book review). Retrieved October 20, 2002 from
Conference Presentation Published
Marshall, R. (1999). Rhetoric and Policy: How is it being used regarding pornography on the Internet? Proceedings of the 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use . October 31 - November 4, 1999, 280-291.
Marshall, R. (1998). Korean Students and Information Seeking in American Universities. (abstract). The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science , 23 (2): 48. Available WWW:
Being Reviewed and in Progress
Marshall, R. K. (2006). Courseware Satisfaction Survey and perceived learning. In progress.
Marshall, R. K. (2006). Which Avenue that We Communicate Through are We Most Honest? In progress.
Marshall, R. K. (2004, November). Information competency and the Public Speaking class. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Chicago , IL .
Violanti, M. T., & Marshall, R. K. (2003, November). Individual conferences and the Public Speaking class. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Miami , FL. Top Paper Award
Marshall, R. (2002, November). An Instrument to Measure Information Competency . Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, New Orleans , Louisiana .
Marshall, R. K., & Violanti, M. T. (2001, May). The online-assisted public speaking class: An introduction and comparison. Paper to be presented at the 51 st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Washington , D.C.
Marshall, R. K. (2001, April). Classroom communication apprehension and distance education . Paper presented at the 2001 Southern States Communication Association Convention, Lexington , Kentucky .
Marshall, R. (2000, October). Information competence and the basic speech course . Paper presented at the Connections 2000: The Sixth Great Lakes Information Science Conference, Knoxville , Tennessee .
Marshall, R., Violanti, M. T., & Haas, J. W. (2000, June). Communication competence, communication apprehension, and the basic public speaking course: A replication and extension . Poster session presented at the 50 th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Acapulco , Mexico .
Marshall, R. (2000, March). Culture, censorship and the Internet: Is there a difference? Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association Conference, New Orleans , Louisiana .
Marshall, R. (2000, March). Words and the CDA: How are words being used on the Internet . Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association Conference, New Orleans , Louisiana .
Marshall, R. (1999, October). Rhetoric and policy: How is it being used regarding pornography on the Internet? Paper presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Washington , D.C.
Marshall, R. (1999, April). Chat rooms and culture: Is something developing there? Paper presented at the Joint Southern States Communication Association/Central States Communication Association Conference, St. Louis , MO.
Marshall, R. (1998, October). Korean students and information seeking in American universities. Paper presented at the Connections '98 conference, London , Ontario , Canada .
Marshall, R. (1997, April). High CAs and staying in school . Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association Conference, Savannah , GA.
Marshall, R. (1996). Sarcasm . Paper presented at the Texas Conference on Communication, Texas Tech University , Lubbock , TX .
Marshall, R. (1996). Better listening: “What did you say?" Paper presented at the Texas Conference on Communication, Texas Tech University , Lubbock , TX .
Marshall, R. (1995). Communication apprehension and retention . Competitive presentation made at the Second Annual Student Research Conference at West Texas A&M University , Canyon, TX. (Third place finish).
Marshall, R. (1995). Classroom communication apprehension . Paper presented at the Texas Speech Communication Association, Lubbock , TX .
Panel Presentations
Marshall, R. (2001, November). Examining Online and Traditional Teaching Methods in the Public Speaking Course: Are the Outcomes the Same? Panel presentation at the National Communication Association Conference, Atlanta , Georgia .
Marshall, R. (2000, September). Re-evaluating communication competence in organizations . Presentation at the 2000 annual meeting of the Tennessee Communication Association, Gallatin , Tennessee .
Lyle, L., Roehr, K, and Marshall, R. (2000, March). Tennessee Williams: A myth unto himself . Performance presented at the Southern States Communication Association Conference, New Orleans , Louisiana .
Honors and Awards
Top Competitive Paper. Co-authored by Michelle Violanti. Individual Conferences and the Public Speaking class by the Basic Course Division, National Communication Association Conference, Miami, FL. November, 2003.Selected to attend the Faculty Summer Institute on Learning Technologies held at the University of Illinois . May 19 – 23, 2003.
Invited to present my online-assisted Public Speaking class page at the Innovative Technology Center 's Best Practices@UT 2000 Showcase in Fall 2000.
"Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student during the academic year 1999-2000"
Presented by the Instructional and Developmental Division, International Communication Association Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, 2000.
National Communication Association (NCA)
Human Communication & Technology Commission (HCTC)
Co-Vice Chair, Publicity and Membership (2005-2006)
Reader (2003, 2004, 2005, & 2006)
Communication Education
Basic Course Division
American Society of Information Science & Technology (ASIST)
Human-Computer Interaction
Professional Service
Co-chair of Membership, National Communication Association, Human Computer & Technology Division, October 2005 – October 2006.
University Service
EIU Faculty Senate (Fall 2005 – present)
Student/Faculty Committee
Transparency Committee
EIU Honors Program
Mentor (2005-2006)
University Health Services Advisory Board (Fall 2003 – Present).
Serve on the university technological committee of Eastern Illinois University (Fall 2001 through Spring 2003).
How to Make a Presentation , a workshop given to the students in the department of Information Science on Wednesday, March 8. Can be accessed on the WWW at
"Fellow" in the Mentoring Program at the University of Tennessee from August 1999 through May 2000. Dr. Tse Wei Wang mentoring professor.
Participated on the first Graduate Student Advisory Board set up by Dean Minkel, Vice-Chancellor of the Graduate School at the University of Tennessee .
Participated in the Mentoring Program at the University of Tennessee from August 1997 through May 1998.
Departmental Service
Departmental Scholarship Committee for the Department of Communication Studies, 2001 – present.
Chair, Communication Studies Undergraduate Committee (Fall 2003 – present).
Chair, Communication Studies Community College Work Group, Fall 2003 – Spring 2004.
"Computer Lab Coordinator" over the computer lab for the Department of Speech Communication (Fall 2001 through Spring 2003). Responsible for individual working in the lab along with hardware and software associated with it.
“Basic Course Director”, Spring 2001, Speech Department, University of Tennessee .
Community Service
Webmaster for the Grace Lutheran Church , Champaign , IL , 2004 - present
Directed and participated in the Charleston Community Church Easter Pageant Easter and Beyond , Sunday, April 13, 2003.
Preached (while Pastor was way) to the Charleston Community Church Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003.
Adjunct Instructor with the Danville Correctional Center teaching communication courses.
Developing continuous PowerPoint presentations for Charleston Community Church to run before and after Sunday morning services. (2001 - 2003)
Played “Fagan” in Oliver that was produced June 2002.
Helped direct and participated in the Charleston Community Church Easter Pageant Every Knee Shall Bow March 2002.
Guest Lecturer, Communication Styles , First United Methodist Church Singles, Lubbock , TX., 1996.
Guest Lecturer, Communication Issues , Museum of Texas Tech University , Lubbock , TX., 1995.
Guest Lecturer, Communication Styles , Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, Lubbock , TX., 1995.
Served as Administrator for the Director of the Public Speaking courses at Texas Tech University , Communication Studies Department, Lubbock , TX., 1995.
Consultant, Love Your IEPs!, Houston Area Head Start Teachers' Workshop, Houston, TX., 1993 & 1994.
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