Ideal Gases

An ideal gas obeys PV/T = constant or PV/T = PoVo / To exactly.

P, V, and T are known as "state variables" for specifying two of them fully determines the "state" or condition of an ideal gas.

The ideal gas law can be written as PV = nRT where n specifies how much gas is being considered and R is a universal constant.

"State variables"

This is known as the ideal gas law.

N = number of gas molecules

k = Boltzman's constant

k = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K

n = number of moles

A mole of gas molecules is Avagadro's number NA of molecules,

NA = 6.02 x 1023

[ N = n NA ]

R = universal gas constant

R = 8.314 J/mole-K

For constant pressure, an increase in temperature brings about an increase in volume, according to

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(c) 2002, Doug Davis; all rights reserved