Your grade for this course will be determined by the following:
Excursions - OnLine
Midterm exam 200 pts Online quizzes 100 Final exam (comprehensive) 200 Total 500 pts
The Midterm exam (for ExcursionsOnLine) has a deadline of noon on April 11. You will have only one attempt at the midterm. After you complete the midterm, send me an eMail message telling me you took the exam with no outside help -- no book, no notes, no personal assistants. You may print and use an equations sheet but the midterm and final are to be taken on your own! The Final exam has a deadline of noon on April 29. As with the midterm, you will have only one attempt at the final. After you complete the final, send me an eMail message telling me you took the exam with no outside help -- no book, no notes, no personal assistants. The final is comprehensive and will contain some material that was also covered on the midterm.
Online Quizzes: At the end of the homework solutions for each chapter, there are "typical multiple choice questions". These same questions also appear as WebCT quizzes. They are open book, open answer quizzes! They may be taken or retaken a maximum of five times if you like. For credit, they must be taken before noon on the date of the corresponding homework as given on the calendar page. There is no reason that anyone should not receive 100 points for these Online Quizzes!
You can link to the Online Quizzes from here or from the Course Calendar page.
In my opinion, there are two objective methods of grading.
One can always determine grades strictly "on a curve". (e g., 15% will get A's; |
One can also determine grades strictly by a predetermined number (e g., 100 - 91, A |
Think of these as "guaranteed minima" for grades 90 - 81, B 80 - 71, C 70 - 61, D I may lower the breakpoints but I will not raise them. |
(C) 2004, Doug Davis; all rights reserved