Excursions in Physics
Oscillation and Waves
Mechanics -- Conceptual Physics, 9th ed, TRS |
Waves & Optics -- Adventures in Physics, available Online |
video tapes
=> Self-Study Materials Center (SSMC)
or a community college near you for Excursions - OnLine
=> These are excellent tapes made a few years ago at CalTech and include short historical sketches, wonderful computer animation, and scenes that may be difficult or impossible to duplicate in the classroom.
=> PBS audience=> extensive references to calculus
Watch for the ideas and the demonstrations.Don't worry about the calculus!
I have always made extensive use of The Mechanical Universe in my on-campus sections of ExcursionsLive! While I have strongly encouraged my cyber students in ExcursionsOnLine to track down The Mechanical Universe tapes at a high school or community college nearby, the reality has been that it was/is enough hassle that very few students did that. Now, however, there is good news! The Mechanical Universe videos are available online at http://www.learner.org/resources/series42.html. The calendar page shows the particular tapes that I would show to my ExcursionLive! students. Go to the web site and WATCH those videos! They are outstanding! But let me warn you once more that they do make extensive reference to calculus. Just tune out that part. Hit the fast fwd button for those portions. This is great news! Now go use this very valuable resource!
These videos are available online at
(C) 2005, Doug Davis; all rights reserved