ELE2022/ Guidelines/ Barford
Reading assignments consist of three completed reading
summaries from TechTalk4Teachers, linked on the mainpage of the
Instructional Technology Center website. Select
three of Dr. Grissom's blog entries and
carefully review using specific examples to summarize information,
trends, mention of the recommended site, and personal application
the entire date you choose. 1 - 2 pages typed, default
setting. Due dates are as on course calendar or as revised to
a later date in class.
Getting help with your EDU2022 technology projects:
- Read thoroughly all course materials on the Web, textbooks
- Make a serious personal effort to accomplish your task
- Email your question to Mrs. Barford
- Ask class members -- in class and available to you on the Web
page roster
- Visit the Gregg Triad lab for help with corrupt accounts,
passwords, flashdrives (not
help with assignments).
- Ask the ITC student workers for help with the lab hardware --
computer, a digital camera, a scanner (do not ask
help with your assignments).
Accumulate and save course materials
- Daily class notes, definitions, esp. for exam review
- Delicious links -- save to your own Delicious account
- Occasional handouts
- Returned evaluation pages