You can download and print a copy of a PDF-version of this syllabus if you'd like.
Sec. 8: Tuesday 1600
- 1740
Sec. 9: Thursday 1400-1540
Sec. 10: Thursday 1600
- 1740
OFFICE HOURS: MW 5 - 6 PM, R 8 - 10 AM; often after class, and by
appt. (581-7016 or
TEXT: Physical Geology, 3rd ed., Monroe and Wicander
with Disabilities (Whether learning, physical,
hard of hearing, psychiatric, or sensory)
Eastern Illinois University promotes equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. If you have a disability and may need any assistance, please notify your instructor and make an appointment immediately with the Office of Disability Services (Buzzard House, or call 581-6583) |
During this course, I hope that
you'll gain an appreciation of science and the world around us - specifically
how geology can, and does, relate to your life and the community. Everyone
should be able to discuss, and give examples of, geology's significance
to our everyday life and why it's important. There are a number of geologically
important issues that will affect the way you live the rest of your life,
such as natural hazards, global warming, and life on other planets: I want
you to be able to critically assess those issues, so you don't have to
depend on Rush Limbaugh and Al Gore to do your thinking for you. You will
also be able to identify the common rock-forming minerals and be able to
identify rocks that are found locally and discuss their significance. Concepts
covered will include geologic time, the Earth's structure and origin, common
rocks and minerals, and plate tectonics. Finally, a number of you will
use geology in your careers, and I want you to be prepared for that.
This is a link to your current grades as I have posted them to the
Here are links to practice quizzes - remember, however, the actual
quizzes will NOT be multiple choice, but will instead be short answer,
completion, and draw or label the diagram.
I know these aren't students from my class before the
quiz. They're probably from another class - right?
(Sitting Duck 2 - Michael Bedard)
Grading will be based on merit;
that is, you will be graded primarily against your fellow students. A tentative
breakdown is as follows:
Questions of the Day |
3 pts. each
Labs |
10 pts. each
Quizzes |
50 pts. each
Mid-term examination |
150 pts.
Report |
50 pts.
Lab final |
100 pts.
Final examination |
200 pts.
Total Points Available |
Quizzes: 50 pts. each. Quizzes will primarily cover material taught since the previous quiz or examination, but may also include earlier material. Format will be short answer, label the diagram, and completion. Quizzes will last 30 minutes. Total value: 200 pts.
Labs: 10 pts. each. Labs will cover the rock-forming minerals, the three major rock types, structural geology and physics of the earth's interior. Labs will be approached in a hands-on type of atmosphere -- the same manner in which the Lab Final will be given. There will be ten (10 ) labs.
Mid-term Examination: 150 pts. The mid-term examination will have the same format as the quizzes and will cover everything up to, and including, metamorphic rocks and processes. The mid-term examination will last one hour. Total value: 150 pts.
Grading of the reports, from the field trip or otherwise.
insights and flashes of brilliance; creative and original analyses and thoughts; goes well beyond minimum required for assignment. |
figures, etc., excellent reasoning, or excellent explanations; goes beyond minimum required for assignment. |
explanations; decent support by data, examples, figures, etc. |
reasoning or coverage is accurate but cursory and does not meet the minimum required for a complete answer. |
with data or examples; unclear explanations; inadequate understanding; majors flaws in reasoning or explanations. |
grammatical correctness to real readability. |
good grammar, very few spelling errors, does not read like a first draft. |
a paper with excellent writing will still earn a 3 if it contain many spelling errors and is clearly not proofread. |
poor spelling. |
Final Examination 200 pts. The final examination will
have the same format as the mid-term examination and will cover the entire
course. This may include ideas presented in lab. The final exam will last
two hours. Total value: 200 pts.
Attendance is up to the student;
however, roll will be taken during the first two weeks of class. CAUTION:
It is unlikely that you will be successful in this class unless you attend
Class Schedule
August 23, 25 | Introduction,
Major features of the Earth;
Earth's origin and structure |
Intro., Chapt. 1
Chapt. 12 |
August 30
September 1 |
Minerals (to know) Discussion of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Atoms and bonding Lab: Introduction to rock-forming minerals |
Chapt. 2
Lab 1 |
September 8 | Quiz #1 (formation and minerals)
Practice quiz #1 Lab: Introduction to igneous rocks |
Chapt. 3 |
September 13, 15 | Igneous rocks,
Volcanic hazards Lab: igneous rocks (Igneous terms for review) |
Chapt. 4
Lab 2 |
September 20, 22 | Sedimentary
rocks and process
Lab: Sedimentary rocks |
Chapt. 6
Lab 3 |
September 27
September 29 |
Geologic time
Geologic principles Quiz #2 (igneous rocks and volcanism) Practice quiz #2 Lab: Geologic time |
Chapt. 8
Lab 18 |
October 4, 6 | Metamorphic
rocks and processes
Lab: Metamorphic rocks |
Chapt. 7
Lab 4 |
October 11
October 13 October 13 |
Review and catch-up; Introduction to weathering
Mid-term examination (comprehensive) Last day to approve report topics Lab: Introduction to weathering (lecture) |
Chapt. 5 |
October 18, 21 | Earthquakes
and the interior
of the Earth
Lab: Earthquakes |
Chapt. 9, 10
Lab 12 |
October 25, 27 | Finish earthquakes
and the interior
of the Earth
Topographic maps and cross-sections (in lab) Lab: Topographic maps and cross-sections |
Appendix D
Lab 5, 6 |
November 1, 3
November 3 |
Rock deformation
Quiz #3 (earthquakes and topographic maps) Practice quiz #3 Lab: structural geology |
Chapt. 13
Lab 14 |
November 8, 10 | Mass wasting
Lab: Mass wasting |
Chapt. 14 |
November 15, 17
November 17 |
Running water, groundwater
Quiz #4 (mass wasting and running water) Practice Quiz #4 Lab: aquifers and streams |
Chapt. 15, 16
Lab 7, 8 |
November 23, 25 | Thanksgiving Break | Eat turkey
Digest turkey |
November 29
November 29 December 1 |
Desert processes
All reports due (no exceptions) Deserts (continued), catch-up If time permits: Glaciers Glacial photos Labs: Desert (aeolian) processes |
Chapt. 18
Lab 11 |
December 6
December 8 |
Review for lab final
Review for Final Exam (Lab finals are held this week) |
December 13 | FINAL EXAMINATION (1715 - 1915) | study! |