1. Define the terms "rock" and "mineral" and explain the difference
between them.
2. Describe the structure of an atom.
3. Explain how atoms are involved with the structure of minerals.
4. List and explain the physical properties of minerals.
5. Describe the structures of silicate minerals.
6. List some common silicate and nonsilicate minerals.
7. Distinguish magma vs. lava, intrusive vs. extrusive, and plutonic
vs. volcanic.
8. Explain Bowen's reaction series and magmatic differentiation.
9. Explain how igneous rocks are named, based on composition and texture.
10. Distinguish between granitic, andesitic, and basaltic rocks.
11. List and describe the types of igneous plutons.
12. Explain the importance of viscosity and dissolved gasses in volcanic
13. Name the materials extruded during an eruption.
14. List the types of volcanoes, their physical features, and their
lava types.
15. Describe pyroclastic flows.
16. Describe the relationship between volcanoes and plate tectonics.
17. Define weathering, mass wasting, and erosion.
18. Define mechanical weathering and explain the roles of frost wedging,
unloading, thermal expansion, and organic activity.
19. Define chemical weathering and explain dissolution, oxidation,
hydrolysis, and alterations caused by chemical weathering.
20. List and explain the factors that control the rate of weathering.
21. List and describe the types of detrital sedimentary rocks.
22. List and describe the types of chemical sedimentary rocks.
23. Explain how sediment becomes a sedimentary rock.
24. Define metamorphism.
25. List and describe the agents of metamorphism.
26. Describe the textures of metamorphic rocks.
27. List the most common metamorphic rocks and how they are classified.
28. Give an overview of the hydrologic cycle.
29. Identify the factors that control the flow of water.
30. Explain how streams transport and deposit sediments.
31. Describe the features of stream valleys, and how narrow and wide
valleys differ.
32. Identify the types of drainage networks and drainage patterns.
33. Explain the development of a stream valley over time.
34. Portray the general distribution of underground water.
35. Define the water table.
36. Explain the difference between porosity and permeability and how
these relate to the movement of groundwater.
37. Describe springs, geysers, wells, and artesian wells.
38. List some problems associated with groundwater withdrawal and explain
groundwater contamination.
39. Illustrate how groundwater can affect geology.
40. Define deformation and stress.
41. Explain the differences among compressional stress, tensional stress,
and shear.
42. Identify brittle, ductile, elastic, and plastic deformation.
43. Find the orientation of geologic structures using strike and dip.
44. Identify the major features of folds, and list the types of folds.
45. List and describe the types of faults and their features.
46. Explain the difference between a fault and a joint.
47. Define earthquake, and identify the focus and epicenter of an earthquake.
48. Describe the types of waves emitted during an earthquake.
49. Relate earthquake activity to plate tectonics.
50. Distinguish between earthquake intensity and magnitude.
51. Explain how earthquakes cause damage to buildings and other structures.
52. Review the types of seismic waves, and compare and contrast the
properties of these waves.
53. Explain how geologists have used seismic waves to explore Earth's
54. Portray a cross-section of the Earth.
55. Compare and contrast the core, mantle, and crust.
56. Review the concept of seafloor spreading.
57. Relate the development and breakup of Pangea to the concepts of
hotspots and seafloor spreading.
58. Explain the theory of continental drift, and list the evidence
supporting this theory.
59. Illustrate how Earth's magentic field affects rocks on the Earth's
surface, and explain how this relates to continental drift.
60. Define seafloor spreading, and describe how reversals in the Earth's
magnetic field appear on the seafloor.
61. Illustrate the types of plate boundaries and their features.
62. Cite recent evidence that supports the theory of plate tectonics.
63. Describe the possible mechanisms driving plate tectonics.
64. Explain the ideas of isostacy and crustal uplift.
65. Correlate the types of mountain building with the types of plate
This list of concepts or questions is only meant to help get you started reviewing for the final examination. It is by no means comprehensive. I suggest that you review your old quizzes and the midterm examination as well. Note how deserts, oceans, and glaciers have been left off
The final examination may cover anything that we have gone over in class or in lab.
Final Examination review times:
Sunday, 2 PM - ?, room 332
DATE: 05/03/01
TIME: 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Terms that may be helpful.
1/16 mm | 2 mm | 4.6 Ga | Aa |
Abrasion | Absolute age dating | Abyssal plain | Accretion |
Aeolian | Aftershock | Alfred Wegener | Alluvial fan |
Alpine glacier | Amphibole | Amphibolite | Amplitude |
Andesite | Angular unconformity | Angularity | Anticline |
Antiform | Apatite | Aphanitic | Aquiclude |
Aquifer | Aquitard | Arenite | ArĂȘte |
Arkose | Artesian well | Asthenosphere | Aureole |
Bajada | Barchan dune | Basalt | Base level |
Basin | Batholith | Beach | Bed |
Biochemical sedimentary rock | Block diagram | Blueschist | Bonds |
Bowen's Reaction Series | Breccia | Brittle | Calcite |
Caldera | Capillary fringe | Carbonate rock | Ca-rich plagioclase |
Cementation | Chemical sedimentary rock | Chemical weathering | Cinder cone |
Cirque | Clastic sedimentary rock | Claystone | Cleavage |
Climate | ClORPT | Coal | Col |
Columnar joint | Compaction | Composite volcano | Compression |
Compressional wave | Concordant | Cone of depression | Conglomerate |
Contact metamorphism | Continental drift | Continental glacier | Continental rise |
Continental shelf | Continuous reaction series | Convergent plate boundary | Convex |
Cooling rate | Coppice dune | Coquina | Core |
Corundum | Country rock | Covalent bond | Crater |
Creep | Crest | Cross-section view | Crust |
Cut bank | Delta | Depositional environment | Depression |
Desert | Detrital sedimentary rock | Diamond | Differential pressure |
Dike | Diorite | Dip | Directed pressure |
Disconformity | Discontinuous reaction series | Discordant | Dissolution |
Distributary | Divergent plate boundary | Doline | Dome |
Drumlin | Ductile | Dune | Dynamothermal metamorphism |
Earthflow | Eccentricity | Eclogite | Effluent stream |
Elastic rebound theory | Electron | Element | Emergent coast |
Epicenter | Equilibrium line | Equipotential surface | Erosion |
Erratic | Esker | Evaporite | Evidence for plate tectonics |
Exfoliation | Extrusive | Facies | Faunal succession |
Felsic | Ferromagnesian silicate | Fjord | Flood plain |
Fluorite | Focus | Foliation | Footwall |
Fossiliferous limestone | Gabbro | Geologic time scale | Glassy |
Gneiss | Graben | Grain size | Granite |
Gravitation collapse | Graywacke | Greenschist | Ground subsidence |
Groundmass | Groundwater pollution | Guyot | Gypsum |
Hanging wall | Hardness | Headwall scarp | Hiatus |
Horn | Hornfels | Horst | Hotspot |
Hydrogen bonding | Hydrolysis | Hypocenter | Igneous rock |
Index mineral | Influent stream | Inner core | Inselberg |
Intensity | Intermediate lava | Intrusive | Ion |
Ionic bond | Iron catastrophe | Isotope | Karst topography |
Kettle pond | Komatiite | K-rich plagioclase | Lamination |
Landslide | Lateral moraine | Lava dome | Left-lateral |
Levee | Limestone | Lithification | Lithostatic pressure |
Longitudinal dune | Love wave | Low velocity zone | Luster |
Mafic | Magma | Magnitude | Mantle |
Mantle plume | Map view | Marble | Matrix |
Mature | Meander | Mesosphere | Metallic bonding |
Metamorphic facies | Metamorphic rock | Mica | Migmatite |
Mineral | Modified Mercalli Scale | Mohs hardness scale | Moraine |
Mudstone | Na-rich plagioclase | Neutron | Non-foliated |
Normal fault | Nucleus | Obliquity | Obsidian |
Old age | Olivine | Oolite | Orogeny |
Orthoclase | Outer core | Oxbow lake | Oxidation |
P wave | Pahoehoe | Parabolic dune | Paraconformity |
Parent material | Pater noster lake | Pegmatite | Pelagic |
Permeability | Phaneritic | Phenocryst | Phreatic zone |
Phyllite | Physical weathering | Piedmont glacier | Pillow lava |
Planetismals | Plate | Plate tectonics | Playa |
Plucking | Plunge | Pluton | Plutonic rock |
Point bar | Polje | Polymorph | Porosity |
Porphyritic | Potassium feldspar | Potentiometric surface | Precession |
Principle of cross-cutting relationships | Principle of Inclusions | Principle of original horizontality | Principle of superposition |
Principle of Uniformitarianism | Protolith | Proton | Pumice |
Pyroclastic | Pyroxene | Quaquaversal | Quartz |
Radioactive | Rayleigh waves | Recumbent fold | Regional metamorphism |
Relative age dating | Reverse fault | Rhyolite | Richter scale |
Right-lateral | River | Roche moutonnée | Rock |
Rock fall | Rounding | S wave | Sandstone |
Schist | Scoria | Sedimentary rock | Seismic gap |
Seismometer | Shadow zone | Shale | Shear wave |
Shield volcano | Silica | Silicate | Silicic |
Sill | Sinkhole | Slate | Slide surface |
Slip face | Slump | Solifluction | Sorting |
Spatter cone | Specific gravity | Spheroidal weathering | Spreading center |
Stable daughter | Stalactite | Stalagmite | Star dune |
Stratocone | Stratovolcano | Stream profile | Strike |
Strike-slip fault | Subduction zone | Submergent coast | Syncline |
Synform | Talc | Tarn | Taste |
Tension | Terminal moraine | Thalweg | Thermal contraction/expansion |
Tidewater glacier | Till | Time | Toe |
Topaz | Transform fault | Transform plate boundary | Transverse dune |
Tributary | Trough | Tsunami | Ultimate base level |
Unconformity | Undercut slope | U-shaped valley | Uvala |
Vadose zone | Van der Walls bonding | Vesicle | Vesicular |
Viscosity | Vitreous | Volcanic neck | Volcanic rock |
Volcano | V-shaped valley | Wadati-Benioff zone | Walther's Law of Facies |
Water table | Wave base | Wavelength | Weathering |
Whaleback | Xenolith | Yardang | Yazoo stream |
Youthful | Zone of ablation | Zone of accumulation | Zone of aeration |
Zone of saturation |