Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
____ 1. The continental shelf is always very wide, extending tens to hundreds of kilometers seaward.
____ 2. The sediment accumulated on continental shelves consists of channel and floodplain deposits from a time when sea level was lower.
____ 3. Submarine canyons are eroded by turbidity currents.
____ 4. An active continental margin forms adjacent a spreading ridge as a new ocean is being created.
____ 5. Abyssal plains tend to be most common seaward of passive continental margins.
____ 6. Organisms living near submarine hydrothermal events thrive because of their ability to oxidize sulfur compounds.
____ 7. Some deep marine sediments are the result of viscous fluids oozing from marine organisms.
____ 8. Cosmic dust contributes a significant amount of sediment to the deep sea.
____ 9. Ophiolites are preserved sequences of oceanic crust that have not been subducted.
____ 10. Sublimation is the loss of water by melting and infiltration at the base of the glacier
____ 11. U-trough valleys are characteristic of continental glaciers.
____ 12. For valley glaciers, the cirque is the zone of accumulation.
____ 13. The difference between glacial till and outwash is the removal of the fine fraction by running water.
____ 14. According to the Milankovitch theory, small irregularities in Earth's rotation and orbit were sufficient to caused Pleistocene glaciation.
____ 15. There is good evidence that variation in solar energy, as evinced by sunspot activity cycles, is responsible for short-term climatic variations.
____ 16. Spring tides are higher because spring rains result in higher water levels.
____ 17. The diameter of a water molecule orbit increases with depth until the wave reaches the sea floor.
____ 18. Rip currents commonly develop in regions where wave heights are highest.
____ 19. Winter beach profiles can actually develop during any season.
____ 20. Spits and baymouth bars are evidence that the system is unable to transport sediment.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement
or answers the question.
____ 21. Until approximately 200 years ago the ocean floor was believed
to be
a. unfathomable, stretching nearly to the center of Earth.
b. covered by sediments thousands of kilometers in thickness.
c. a flat featureless plain of sediments.
d. populated by sea monsters.
e. riddled with caverns extending to the center of Earth.
____ 22. The topography of the ocean floor actually consists of
a. sediments only a few meters thick.
b. oceanic ridges and oceanic trenches.
c. thousands of submarine volcanoes dotting vast featureless plains.
d. ridges, trenches, hills, vast plains, plateaus, and volcanoes.
e. vast submarine chasms deeper, wider and longer than the Grand Canyon.
____ 23. Turbidity current deposits are
a. poorly sorted mixtures of mud and sand.
b. known as turbidites.
c. built-up to form submarine fans.
d. caused by slumps induced by earthquakes.
e. all of the above
____ 24. Continental shelves are widest when associated with
a. island arcs and volcanism.
b. an absence of volcanism and earthquakes.
c. intense earthquake activity.
d. active margins.
e. ocean trenches.
____ 25. Calcareous pelagic ooze is composed mostly of
a. diatoms and radiolarians.
b. radiolarians and foraminifera.
c. foraminifera.
d. radiolarians and sponges.
e. reef rubble and foraminifera.
____ 26. Reefs are
a. mound-like, wave-resistant structures composed of coral.
b. found in warm water, both shallow and deep.
c. mound-like, wave-resistant structures composed of skeletons.
d. found throughout the world in shallow and deep water.
e. large rocks projecting from deep water into shallow water.
____ 27. Glaciers exist at
a. high latitudes and/or high altitudes
b. high latitudes and/or low altitudes
c. low latitudes and/or high altitudes
d. low latitudes and/or low altitudes
____ 28. In a cross-section of a glacier, the greatest flow velocities
a. at the surface.
b. in the few tens of meters below the surface.
c. in the few tens of meters above the base.
d. at the base.
e. in the center of the flow.
____ 29. The visually most-striking features of glaciation by most people's
standards would be viewed in
a. the zone of accumulation of continental ice sheets
b. the zone of accumulation of valley glaciers
c. the zone of wastage of continental ice sheets
d. the zone of wastage of valley glaciers
e. A and B
____ 30. Which of the following combinations of depositional landforms
would be formed from glacial outwash?
a. all moraines, eskers, and kames
b. eskers and kames, outwash plains, and valley trains
c. end moraines, medial and lateral moraines, and drumlins
d. all moraines, drumlins, and valley trains
____ 31. Regions adjacent to the glacial terminus in North America had
a climate which was/had:
a. very cold year-round
b. cold and dry year-round
c. cool, wet winters and short summers
d. dry, cool winters and short wet summers
e. moderate year-round.
____ 32. Milankovitch theory proposes that the glacial-interglacial
cycles of the Pleistocene was NOT the result of
a. orbital eccentricity
b. precession of the equinoxes
c. changes in axial tilt
d. sun spot activity
e. irregularities in earth's orbit
____ 33. Short-term climatic events such as the Little Ice Age may result
a. a combination of one or more factors in the Milankovitch theory
b. anomalous tectonic plate configurations
c. variations in solar energy
d. sun spot activity
e. large volcanic eruptions
____ 34. If the amount of sediment available to a shoreline from inland
sources decreases, nearby beaches will experience which of the following:?
a. deposition
b. no change
c. erosion
d. no net change but the shoreline will migrate landward
e. no net change but the shoreline will migrate seaward
____ 35. Neap tides are small because
a. not as much water is in the ocean system at this time
b. winds are offshore during the fall
c. the moon's influence on tides is counteracted by the sun's
d. the moon is furthest from earth during the fall.
____ 36. Tide ranges vary due to
a. time of year
b. storm activity
c. shoreline configuration
d. size of the water body
e. all of the above
____ 37. Water in waves is displaced from the circular orbits when
a. waves enter progressively shallower water.
b. seas become swells.
c. waves reach great heights.
d. waves reach great lengths.
e. winds reach a critical velocity.
____ 38. Compared to a winter beach, the summer beach
a. exhibits a wide beach berm
b. is sand covered
c. has a steep beach face
d. has a smooth offshore profile
e. all of the above
____ 39. The change in beach profiles over time is another example of
a. uniformitarianism.
b. catastrophism.
c. continual progressive change.
d. cyclicity and equilibrium or balancing change.
e. the lack of any significant change over time.
____ 40. Baymouth bars or spits occur because
a. sand is transported parallel to shore
b. river sediments are deposited at their mouths
c. too much sediment is in the system
d. incoming offshore waves and currents collide with outgoing river
e. all of the above
Complete each sentence or statement.
41. Oceanic ridges are composed of ____________________.
42. The zone of ____________________ is the portion of a glacier where additions exceed losses.
43. The climatic event which, among other things, ended the Viking colonization of Greenland is known as the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________.
44. When wave base is reached, wave length and wave ____________________ decrease, while wave height (increases/decreases ____________________.
45. If hydraulic action and abrasion undercut headlands, structures known as ____________________ ____________________ may form. When these join they form a ____________________ ____________________, which might later collapse to give a ____________________ ____________________.
Match the descriptions with the appropriate regions of continental margins:
a. Continental shelf
b. Continental slope
c. Continental rise
____ 46. it is cut by many deep, steep-sided canyons
Match the description or feature with the appropriate reef type:
a. Atoll reef
b. Fringing reef
c. Barrier reef
____ 47. wide and slope steeply to the sea floor
Match the following characteristics with its associated type of continental
a. active
b. passive
____ 48. seismicity
Match the glacially produced landforms with the type of glacier by which
each was formed.
a. Continental glacier
b. Valley glacier
____ 49. U-shaped valleys
Match the following lakes which formed during the Great Ice Age with
the appropriate lake type.
a. Pluvial lake
b. Proglacial lake
____ 50. Lake Missoula
Match the following characteristics with the beach type.
a. summer beach
b. winter beach
____ 51. smooth offshore profile
Match the following location with the appropriate type of coastline.
a. emergent coast
b. submergent coast
____ 52. western coast of South America
Match the following locations with the expected coastal landforms.
a. wavecut benches and terraces
b. barriers, spits, baymouth bars
____ 53. west coast of South America
Match the following impact with the beach response.
a. erosion
b. deposition
c. no change
____ 54. removal of vegetation from beach dunes
Match the sediment type with whether it is an input or output in the
nearshore sediment budget.
a. input
b. output
____ 55. river supply
56. What is an example of a passive margin, in the Western hemisphere?
57. What is wave base, and how deep is it?
58. Why do waves bend or refract as they approach shorelines?
59. Spits and baymouth bars are formed and grow as a result of what factor?
60. Longshore drift accounts for approximately what percentage
of shoreline sediment?