Review sheet for Quiz #2 (to be given
Friday (2 February)
The actual quiz will consist of 20 - 25 questions to be
answered in 30 minutes at the end of class. The questions will be
short answer, fill in the blank, label the diagram, or draw a diagram.
The quiz will be worth 50 points. We will have an informal review
on Thursday (1 February) in room 142 (1060) Physical Sciences starting
at 6:30 PM. It should last about one hour.
Key Terms
Amphibole |
Andesite |
Aphanitic |
Basalt |
Batholith |
Bowen reaction series |
Bowen's Reaction Series |
Ca-rich plagioclase |
Cinder cone |
Columnar jointing |
Concordant |
Continuous Reaction Series |
Continuous series |
Country Rock |
Cross-cutting Relationships |
Dike |
Diorite |
Discontinuous Reaction
Series |
Discontinuous series |
Discordant |
Extrusive |
Felsic |
Gabbro |
Granite |
Groundmass |
Intermediate |
Intrusive |
Komatiite |
K-rich plagioclase |
Laccolith |
Lahar |
Lava dome |
Lava plateau |
Law of Superposition |
Mafic |
Matrix |
Mica |
Na-rich plagioclase |
Olivine |
Pegmatite |
Peridotite |
Phaneritic |
Phenocryst |
Porphyritic |
Pyroclastic |
Pyroxene |
Quartz |
Rhyolite |
Shield |
Silicic |
Sill |
Stock |
Stratocone |
Ultramafic |
Viscosity |
Xenolith |
Practice questions/concepts:
Why would silicic lava be more likely to be explosive?
Describe how a porphyritic rock might form.
Explain how Bowen's Reaction Series also relates to how minerals
will weather.
Know the relationships between [Si], [Mg], [Fe], viscosity,
overall composition, explosiveness, and eruptive temperature.
What are the small bubbles found in some extrusive igneous
rocks called?
What is the volcanic rock that has the composition of granite?
What are the two most abundant igneous rocks?
How does the presence of volatiles, such as water, affect
How does the chemical composition of magma affect its viscosity?
What type of pyroclastic rock commonly floats?
Would a gabbro be composed of olivine and quartz? Why
or why not?
How might a piece of sedimentary rock be found within an
extrusive igneous rock?
Understand the difference between a sill and a dike and relative
ages based on fundamental geologic principles.
What are rocks that are taken from the surrounding material
and incorporated into magma as coherent pieces are called?
What is an outcrop of intrusive igneous rock called if it
has an area greater than 100 mi2?
What is an outcrop of intrusive igneous rock called if it
has an area less than 100 mi2?
What is generally the largest type of volcano?
Which type of volcano is the most explosive? Why?
Why is the statement "volcanoes erupt because of gravity"
Describe how you would tell an active, dormant, and inactive
volcano apart.
Describe how a composite volcano would form.
Last modified 1/31/01
Contact: John Stimac