The following is the word bank that will be available for quiz #4 to be held during the last 30 minutes of class on 30 October 2000. The quiz will cover weathering, erosion, and metamorphic rocks.
Word Bank
abrasion |
augen |
aureole |
blueschist |
chemical weathering |
climate |
coesite |
contact metamorphism |
country rock |
dissolution |
dynamothermal |
eclogite |
exfoliation |
facies |
fluid |
foliation |
freeze-thaw |
garnet |
gneiss |
granulite |
greenschist |
heat |
hornfels |
hydrolysis |
hydrothermal |
index mineral |
isograde |
kyanite |
marble |
mechanical weathering |
metamorphic |
metamorphic contact |
metamorphic grade |
metasomatism |
mica |
migmatite |
non-foliated |
organisms |
oxidation |
parent material |
phyllite |
physical weathering |
pressure |
protolith |
quartzite |
regional metamorphism |
relief |
schist |
sillimanite |
skarn |
slate |
spheroidal weathering |
staurolite |
stishovite |
time |
xenolith |