This review sheet WILL be handed out in class on Wednesday, so there is no need to print it.

Review sheet for Quiz #1 (to be given 23 January)
GEL/ESC 1300G § 3

The actual quiz will consist of 20 - 25 questions to be answered in 30 minutes at the beginning of class.  The questions will be short answer, fill in the blank, label the diagram, or draw a diagram.  The quiz will be worth 50 points.  We will have an informal review, if wanted, on Thursday evening starting at 6 PM in room 3120 (our regular class room).

Key terms:

Practice questions:

  1. Define mineral.
  2. Know lines of evidence used to support plate tectonics.
  3. Be able to give a brief synopsis of the Earth's formation.
  4. In order, what minerals comprise the Mohs Hardness Scale?
  5. Draw a schematic cross-section of the Earth labeling the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core.
  6. What portion of the Earth is liquid (crust, mantle, outer core, or inner core)?
  7. What are the chemical formulae for any two minerals on Mohs Hardness Scale?
  8. What are some physical properties that might be used to identify a mineral?
  9. Who proposed the theory of continental drift?
  10. What geologic principle can be paraphrased as "present is the key to the past"?
  11. How is the theory of continental drift different from plate tectonics?
  12. What are some of the basic geologic laws used to determine the relative age of rocks?
  13. What is the difference between a relative and absolute age?
  14. From oldest to youngest, what are the periods of the youngest geologic era?