Some nuclei are very hygroscopic.
The droplets are big enough to scatter all colors evenly but are too small to be seen by the naked eye.Condensation begins on these particles at relative humidities less than 75%. Their size increases as the nuclei acquire more water. At relative humidities less than 100%, the tiny droplets do not grow to cloud droplet size.
Some particles are hygrophobic (water repelling).
Recipe for Cloud Formation
What about if the air temperature is below 0°C?
The Bergeron Process
Supercooled Water
It is possible for liquid water to remain liquid below temperatures of 0°C.
These are Deposition Nuclei, i.e., water vapor deposits directly on the ice.
The best ice nuclei are those that have shapes similar to natural ice crystals.
Kaolinite (a clay) is one of the most popular. It ìactivates,î or begins to accept water molecules, at -9°C.Typical cloud droplet size < 0.02 mm
Silver Iodide, which activates at -4°C, has been used in ìcloud seedingî experiments.
This is about 100 times larger than a CCN and 100 times smaller than a typical rain drop.Precipitation
How can a very small droplet grow to the size of a rain drop?
Typical Sizes (Radius)How fast can this process occur? In the tropics, a cloud can form, grow, and produce rain in as little as 30 minutes.CCN - 0.0002 mm
Typical Cloud Droplet - 0.02 mm
Typical Rain Drop - 2 mm
A droplet can grow only if the number of water molecules entering the drop exceeds the number of water molecules leaving the drop. Supersaturation!
The saturation vapor pressure is defined over a plane (flat) surface of water.
Each water molecule attracts its neighbor. The combined attractive forces on the molecules at the surface make up the surface tension.
There are attractive forces from all the surrounding molecules. These forces must be overcome for the molecule to escape into the vapor phase.
The saturation vapor pressure is defined over a plane (flat) surface of water. Let us now consider a droplet.
The forces on the molecule are less than that for a plane surface of water. To maintain equilibrium, the vapor pressure above the drop must be greater in order to keep the drop from evaporating.
This reduced surface tension and the larger saturation vapor pressure required for the drop to remain in equilibrium with its surroundings is called the curvature effect.
This effect is enhanced for smaller drops. In other words, the smaller the drop radius, the larger the curvature of the drop, and the larger the vapor pressure required to keep the drop in equilibrium at a given temperature.
CCN in cloud droplet formation
CCN give the water molecules a place to gather together. This ìinstantlyî gives them a much larger size than without the CCN.
Some CCN are hygroscopic. Some salts begin to collect water at RHs as low as 75%. A solution is formed when water condenses onto a salt particle.
There are fewer water molecules at the surface. So not as many water molecules can escape at a given temperature. In equilibrium, the saturation vapor pressure over the salt water is less than that over the pure water. This is called the solute effect.
Growth by condensation
CCN with an initial mass of 10-12 gCollision-Coalescense Process
RH greater than RH* (The critical RH)
How long will it take for a droplet to grow to the size of a cloud droplet (0.02 mm)?5900 secThis is too slow for what we often observe!
~98 Minutes!
To increase the volume of a single drop to the size of a rain drop, it must grow for a very long time.
A faster way is to get several small drops together to form a single large drop.
Larger drops fall faster than small drops.
Terminal VelocityIf the larger drops fall faster, they can catch up to and run into the smaller drops.In the absence of any wind, the drop will begin to fall. As soon as the drop falls, the air resists the fall of the drop. The air resistance is dependent on the size of the drop and the velocity of the drop. So the larger the drop will have a larger air resistance. Eventually, there will be a balance between gravity, which wants to pull the drop down toward the ground, and the air resistance, which wants to retard the fall of the drop to the ground. From Newton, when there is a balance of forces, the drop will continue in a straight line at constant speed. This speed is called the Terminal Velocity. The larger drops will have a larger terminal velocity than small drops so the large drops will fall faster. In calm air, a typical rain drop will fall nearly 600 times faster than a typical cloud droplet.
If the large drops collide with the smaller drops and merge with them, this process is called coalescence.
Not all small drops will merge with the larger ones!
Coalescence Depends On:
So when do drops make it to the ground?
The drops can make it to the ground if:
Fog is a cloud that has its base close to the ground. There are five basic types of fog.
Weather Modification