During the weekend of March 27-28, 1998, Region 4 participants in the ISBE Near & Far Science Initiative met in La Salle County for the project's geology component. Workshop leaders from the Illinois State Geological Survey included Wayne Frankie, Jon Goodwin, Dennis Kolata and Brandon Curry. Also assisting in the presentations was Mike Phillips from Illinois Community College. ( Above - Presenters and participants in front of exposed portion of La Salle Anticline. )

Left - Stretching out a geologic time line. Center - Dennis points out a north-south cross section of the Illinois Basin. Right - Collecting fossils on a hillside.

Left - Brachiopod fossils in limestone. Center - Dennis discusses the geologic history of Matthiessen State Park. Right - Wayne holds the rope as teachers descend.

Left - Brandon shows the effect of river erosion. Center - Evidence of a fault is found in the anticline outcrop. Right - Jon helps locate pyrite crystals at the clay pit.

Survivors of the descent to the Lower Dells.

Special thanks to Wayne, Jon, Dennis, Brandon and Mike for highly informative sessions, very enjoyable field trips, and a wealth of resource material.

Illinois State Geological Survey

NFSI Region 4 - Astronomy Session

NFSI Region 4 - Meteorology Session