

The Charleston Vesuvius plant was created in 1968 to make stopper heads.Then the process of continuous casting was developed and this plant was used to produce some of the first products for this new technology. In 1986, Vesuvius was bought by Cookson, a U.K. based company. Vesuvius has worked over the years to make their products top quality. The Charleston plant was the first plant in the U.S.A., certified to the International Quality Standard ISO 9002.


Nature of Business

Vesuvius U.S.A supplies needed materials used to control the flow of molten steel in the continuous casting process. They supply most of the major steel companies internationally.


Qualities & Skills Needed for Employment

To be hired at Vesuvius you need to show good verbal and written communication skills, have a positive attitude, be able to work in a team environment, you should be involved in outside activities, you should have a proven record of dependability, you should have a good work history, and you need a good academic record.


Impact of Changing Technologies

Advances in technology have improved Vesuvius' capability to control their processes. Most of their equipment is now controlled by computers.The service and product quality has improved. The company has grown five times in the last ten years.


Vision for 2020

They hope to double the size of Vesuvius by 2002. They are currently preparing to build a new multi-million dollar mix plant which will support market growth. They are also automating several production lines which will improve quality, efficiency, and safety. This will help make the Charleston plant a valuable employer to the Charleston area.


Vesuvius USA

955 North 5th Street

Charleston,IL 61920


Special thanks to Richard Stack(Technical Manager) and Bill Haley (Plant Manager) for supplying information to assist us with this project.

Team members: Chris Campbell and Jeremy Stack

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