Math 337: Summer 2003 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Kamlesh Parwani, Room B22 Lunt Hall
Time and Place: 6:30PM to 9:00PM at Room 727, Weiboldt Hall, Chicago.

office: 847-491-2853

Office Hours: before or after class and by appointment.
Course web page:

Book: “Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Edition” by Sheldon Axler.

What will this class be about?

We will cover the first eight chapters of the book—vector spaces, linear maps, polynomials, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inner-product spaces, and operators on vector spaces.  If time permits, we will cover other parts of the book.

Introduction to Modern Algebra is very theoretical class.  Students are required to understand and write proofs.

How you will be evaluated:

                        Homework        30
                        Midterm            30
                        Final Exam        40
                        Total                100

This grading scheme is tentative and changes may be made.  All changes will be announced well in advance of the final exam.

The class will consist of both lecture and discussion. There will be a homework assignment every week. Students are encouraged to do the homework, as working on these problems is the best way to learn the material and do well in the class.

The final exam will cover the entire course.