import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class params extends Scrib{ // Read in 2 params and set color public void init(){ super.init(); Color foreground=getColorParameter("foreground"); Color background=getColorParameter("background"); if(foreground != null)this.setForeground(foreground); if(background != null)this.setBackground(background); } // end init // Read the specified parameter interpret as hex and conver to color. protected Color getColorParameter(String name){ String value=this.getParameter(name); int intvalue; try{ intvalue=Integer.parseInt(value,16);} // end try catch(NumberFormatException e){return null;} // end catch return new Color(intvalue); } // end get Color // Share info with program public String[][] getParameterInfo(){ String[][] info={ {"foreground","hexidecimal color value","foreground color"}, {"background","hexidecimal color value","background color"} }; // end definition of info return info; } // end get Param info public String getAppletInfo(){ return "Scribble v0.0..2 by David Flanagan";} // end get Applet info } // end Param class