Project: Apple Pie

Student Worksheet

  • Step 1

    Using the "Open File" command from file menu on your browser find the file:

    • Webbing\Projects\bpap.html


    • Teacher's choice:

      This will allow the student to view the initial file before it is personalized.

ANYONE's Fun Home Page


  • Step 2

    Now open the file as a text file and choose the "Save As"

    command from the file menu. Copy the file to

    • Teacher choice:

  • Step 3

    Follow the directions in the text file. Each direction is contained within a comment that looks like this: <!-- comment: ... --> You can only place comments on your HTML text by using:

    <!-- Your comments go here -->

    If you do not do this exactly as it appears above, your comments may effect how your homepage appears.

  • Step 4

    When you have finished making your homepage:

    • choose "Save" from the file menu in the text processor.

    Now you should be able to view your homepage using the:

    • "Open File" command from the browser menu. If your file has not been saved in the text editor menu, the changes will not appear in the homepage.