Project Code Name: Whipped Cream

Student Worksheet

You will need the following:

  • A FONT and CENTER enabled WWW browser.

  • A copy of the "bpwc.html" file from the Webbing directory.

  • Step 1

    As in the previous projects the bpwc.html should be either:

    • Made available on the hard disk.


    • Copied to your own floppy disk.

  • Step 2

    Now experiment with changes in the size of fonts. This can be done simply by replacing the given numbers with other numbers between 1 and 7 in the FONT tag at the attribute SIZE. For instance, you could change

    • SIZE=3


    • SIZE=5

    and observe how this changes the document.

  • Step 3

    Write a Diary of all the changes you make and how they made the homepage look different.