Project Code Name: Hors D'Oeuvres

Teacher's Worksheet


This project is intended to give the students practice in writing as well a searching the Web. Let the students create a Classroom Museum using definition lists. The webbing directory contains a file which can be modified for just such a museum. The file can be found at:

  • webbing/templates/reviews.htm
  • Step 1

    Over a period of a week or more, have each student find a favorite website. When they have chosen their museumpage site, have them add a bookmark and also have them write it down for reference. It is a good idea to have a list of museums bookmarked for the students and restrict their searches.

  • Step 2

    Create a new museum page by copying

    • webbing/templates/reviews.htm

    to an appropriate place on your system. You may wish to make a copy for each project group and have them work at expanding the museum list over the entire year. You may rename the file in the process of moving it by using a "Save as" dialog box from a text editor.

  • Step 3

    Add additional list elements to the definition lists as it becomes necessary simply by cutting and pasting using a text editor and then replacing the current names and anchors with anchor URL addresses of your choice.

  • Step 4

    After an anchor/hyperlink is added, have the student check the anchor by opening the World-Wide Web browser and clicking on the appropriate hyperlink.

  • Step 5

    Finally, have your students write a detailed review of the site. If the students are proficient at typing, have them add the reviews under the

    • < DD>

    tag at the appropriate place or have them type the review on a file in their group folder. When the review is complete and correct, move it to the approriate place on the reviewpage.

Science Museum

  1. Physical Sciences
    1. Wright Bros. Plane
      A photograph of the Wright brothers original flying plane. The photograph is part of the galleries exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution.
    2. Neptune
      The National Space Science Data Center has a fabulous collection of planetary photographs. The collection is housed at the Goddard Flight Center. This photograph of the planet Neptune is spectacular indeed.

A Partial View of reviews.htm

Provide access to the Student Worksheet.