Project Code Name: Pumpkin Pie

Teacher's Worksheet


  • Step 1

    Two Student Worksheets have been provided for your convenience. As in the previous projects the bppp.html should be either:

    • Made available on the hard disk.


    • Copied to their own floppy disk.

  • Step 2

    Have the student open the file

    folder using a World-Wide Web browser.

  • Step 3

    The student may now do either of the following:

    • "Open" bppp.html using a text editor and "Save As" their own homepage file and edit using the directions in the file as in Project Apple Pie.


    • "Open" their homepage file using a text editor and add the color designators under the portion of their homepage.

  • Step 4

    It is important to save a backup copy of the homepage in case the student runs into editing problems. There are so many different ways this can be done. One way is to have the students save the file as

    • *.bak

    where the asterisk prepresents the current name of the students home page.

    Younger children can edit effectively by using cut and paste techniques along with the color file "color.txt" included in the Webbing directory.

ANYONE's Fun Home Page

Color Pro
Don't Click Here

Experiment with color !

Provide access to the Student Worksheet.