What does Evolutionary Psychology tell us about the Evolution of
Natural History as Metaphor
Steven J. Scher
Eastern Illinois University
Evolutionary psychologists use functional analysis to answer a
‘teleonomic question': What is the function of a psychological feature?
Despite claims to the contrary, however, functional analysis cannot answer a
‘historical question': regarding the evolutionary history of the feature, or
the factor in an ancestral environment which led to the selection of the
psychological feature. As a result, the historical models proposed by
evolutionary psychologists hold the same metaphorical status as theoretical
models from other (non-evolutionary) approaches to psychology. These
metaphorical models have heuristic value in the study of proximate function,
but they limit the inferences that can be made from the results of research
in evolutionary psychology. Claims about actual historical evolution must
be addressed with historical data.
E-mail Steve Scher to request a preprint (cfsjs@eiu.edu)
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