Here are some pictures from my trip. I hope you enjoy them.
More to come soon.
The Changing of the Guard at Amalienborg Castle
(These guys looked about 12)
A Blurry Picture of Tivoli (19th Cen. Amusement Park)
Another shot of Tivoli... More in Focus
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Rosenberg Slot
Rosenberg Slot - Interior Detail
The Old & The New In Copenhagen
Two Scholars (Behind the Copenhagen Library)
The Queen
I actually ran into the Queen at the
Roskilde Cathedral
A Courtyard in Ebeltoft (A
Beach Town)
Heidbra & Baldvin watch Glass-Blowing
at the Glass Museum in Ebeltoft
A Half-Timber House in Den
Gamle Bye (The Old Town) -- Aarhus
The Nightwatchman in Ribe
Legoland (It's in Jylland, but it deserves a section all its own!)
A reminder of Florida -- made out of Legos
Another reminder of Florida
More Americana made out of Lego
The Sex Shop Automat (PG-13 Content)
Hans Christian Anserson's
Viking Stuff
Lurs (Viking Trumpets) in the National Museum in
Lindolm Høje -- A Viking Cemetary
Outside Aalborg (Each circle of stones -- not each stone -- is a single gravesite).
The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde
A Reconstructed Viking Building at the
Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus
Bremen (One of my two favorite cities on the trip)
A Street in the Schnoor Quarter
The Bremen Town Musicians
The Porta Nigra -- An Old Roman Entry Gate
Into Trier
The Birthplace of Karl Marx
Berlin (My other favorite city)
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