About Me

Dr. Gloria Leitschuh

Sabbatical Information

Ph.D. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL, 1993

M.S. in Ed. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, 1983

B.A. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, 1980

Coordinator of Community Counseling Practicum and Internship Program-Department of Counseling and Student Development, Eastern Illinois University, Fall 1997-Present

Private Practice - Licensed Clinical Psychologist, 1995-Present

Associate Professor - Department of Counseling and Student Development, Eastern Illinois University, 1994-Present

Counselor and Instructor - Indiana State University, 1993-1994

Doctoral Psychology Intern - Southern Illinois University, 1992-1993

Graduate Assistant - Counseling Center - University of Illinois, 1989-1992


Leitschuh, G.A., Lyles, J., Kaser, L., Budde, K. (Submitted for publication, 2002).  Collaborative efforts for engaging African- American and Euro-American clients with substance abuse counselors in group dialogue.  .ICA Quarterly.

Leitschuh, G. A. (2001). Providing Clinical Evaluation for Cultural Diversity: Application in counseling and psychology graduate programs. Eastern Education Journal, 30, 36-37.

Leitschuh, G. A. (1999). How college students' physical health relates to coping. Psychological Reports, 85, 220-226.

Leitschuh, G. A., & Rawlins, M. E. (1999). Interpersonal violence: Why women stay. ICA Quarterly, 147, 14-22.

Leitschuh, G.A. (1998). Tips for reducing stress and enhancing life. Personal Best.

Leitschuh, G.A. (1995). School based solutions. In Before They Take The Wheel, Springfield, Illinois Prevention Resource Center.

Leitschuh, G.A., & Rawlins, M.E. (1991). Personal orientation inventory correlated with physical health. Psychological Reports, 69, 687-790.

Leitschuh, G. A. & Alford, K. M. (1999). "Teaching Counseling Students the Art of Diagnosing." Illinois Counseling Association, Lisle, Illinois.

Leitschuh, G. A. & Alford, K. M. (1999). "Teaching Counseling Students the Art of Diagnosing." Midwest Association of Teachers of Educational Psychology, Oxford, Ohio.

Leitschuh, G., & Rawlins, M. (1997). "Interpersonal Violence." North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, St. Louis, Missouri.

Leitschuh, G., & Rawlins, M. (1996). "Interpersonal and Spousal Abuse." Association for Counseling Education and Supervision, Portland, Oregon.

Kayser, L., Powell, B., Leitschuh, G., & Rawlins, M. (1995). "Colors of caring: Development perspectives of women as caregivers." Illinois Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
American Psychological Association (APA)
American Counseling Association (ACA)
American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)
International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology