Implementation of Project R.I.D.E.: Effective Accommodations for At-Risk Youths Workshop
Summary: Project R.I.D.E. (Beck, 1990) was developed as a multilevel multidimensional program to assist teachers in providing accommodations for at-risk students. R.I.D.E. is an acronym for Responding to Individual Differences in Education and its major assumption is that if teachers are given adequate support and resources they "can become their own best problem solvers" (p. 5). Project R.I.D.E. provides both prevention and interventions for at-risk students by assisting teachers in (a) describing problematic behaviors, (b) identifying effective classroom practices, (c) providing effective, empirically-based interventions for academic and behavioral problems through computer software for Apple¨ and IBM¨ computers, and (d) providing a team based problem solving group (SWAT Team) based on the Teacher Assistance Team model (TAT; Chalfant & Pysh, 1989) to bring additional expertise and experience for helping the referring teacher resolve the referral problem. Workshop participants will learn how to implement Project R.I.D.E. in their own school. Download Brochure |