Unit 2
Melody 2A - Melodic Dictation: Melodies Using m2, M2, m3, M3
Melody 2B - Mode Identification: Major and Three Forms of the Minor Scale
Melody 2C - Scale Degree Identification: Two Notes
Melody 2D - New Intervals: P5 and P4
Melody 2E - Models and Embellishments: Descending Thirds in Two Voices
Harmony 2A - Chord Function Identification: I, IV, and V Triads
Harmony 2B - Chords in Music Literature: I, IV, and V Triads
Harmony 2E - Chord Quality Identification: Major, Minor, and Diminished Triads
Harmony 2F - Triad Factors in the Soprano and Bass
Rhythm 2A - Rhythmic Dictation: Duple and Triple Subdivisions of the Beat