Unit 5
Melody 5A - Melodic Dictation: Melodies Outlining the I, IV, V (and vii°6) Triads
Melody 5B - Error Detection: Excerpts from Music Literature
Melody 5D - New Interval: The Tritone
Melody 5E - Models and Embellishments: Descending 6ths in Two Voices
Harmony 5A (Part 1) - Chord Function Identification: I, ii, IV, and V Triads
Harmony 5A (Part 2) - Chord Function Identification: i, ii°, iv, and V Triads
Harmony 5B - Chords in Music Literature I(i), ii(ii°), IV(iv), and V Triads
Harmony 5E - Error Detection: Single Triads in Four Parts
Rhythm 5A - Rhythmic Dictation: Introduction to Quarter-Beat Values
Rhythm 5B - Error Detection: Quarter-Beat Values