Project Code Name: Apple Pie

Teacher's Worksheet


Remember that even great cooks start with simple recipes. This project will allow your students to write a simple homepage which can then be saved and accessed throughout the year as you upgrade the homepages in future projects.

You will need the following:

  • A copy of the project file

    • bpap.html

    which may be found in the Webbing directory. This directory may be downloaded using the browser or you may simply save the file yourself by looking up the Webbing directory on my webook and saving it to your hard disk using the File menu. Most browsers have this capability.

  • Subdirectory or sapce on the hard drive for the students to put their homepages,

    or a floppy disk for each student's homepage.

  • A favorite anchor-link for each student.

  • An ASCII(text) editor on your computer.

  • A World-Wide Web browser.

  • Step 1

    Download the Webbing directory from the website

    following the directions given there.

    Otherwise simply copy the file

    Using the facilities of your browser.

  • Step 2

    Now you must develop a system for the students, to use throughout the year, to store and maintain their project files. Here are two possible methods.

    • Divide the class into groups to facilitate cooperative learning. Give each group an interesting or unifying name. Create a folder on the hard disk for each group. If possible have the students periodically save their hard disk folder to a floppy disk as a back up system.

    • Give each group or individual a floppy disk to be used for their files.

  • Step 3

    Provide Access to the Student Worksheet: