Project Code Name: Whipped Cream

Teacher's Worksheet


You will need the following:

  • A FONT and CENTER enabled WWW browser.

  • The "bpwc.html" file from the Webbing directory.

  • Step 1

    The Student Worksheets have been provided for your convenience. As in the previous projects the bpwc.html should be either:

    • Made available on the hard disk.


    • Copied to their own floppy disk.

  • Step 2

    Make a copy of the file

    folder for the students to edit.

  • Step 3

    Now let the students experiment with changes in the size of fonts. This can be done simply by replacing the given numbers with other numbers between 1 and 7 in the FONT tag at the attribute SIZE. For instance, you could change

    • SIZE=3


    • SIZE=5

    and observe how this changes the document.

  • Step 4

    It is important to save a backup copy of the homepage in case the student runs into editing problems. There are so many different ways this can be done. One way is to have the students save the file as

    • *.bak

    where the asterisk prepresents the current name of the students home page.

Provide access to the Student Worksheet.