Cameron Craig lectures in the Department of Geology/Geography at Eastern Illinois University
Tempestas Productions
Eastern Illinois University
Productions on Vimeo
Performing Arts/Original Music
Curriculum Vitae
Summer 2012 OFFICE HOURS
Monday: 12:00-12:50PM
Tuesday: 12:00-12:50PM
Wednesday: 12:00-12:50PM
Thursday: 12:00-12:50PM
or by Appointment (request appointment via email)


Course Information

Weather & Climate
Broadcast Meteorology Practicum
Spaceship Earth
Climate & History
Cultural Geography

Weather & Climate


"Without the Sun There is No Weather Fun!" (
Video Lecture Series by Cameron Craig
Copyright 2010

One-Time Bonus Opportunity

Write a one-page, single-spaced critical thinking essay (minimum 500 words) on one film that is 20 minutes or more in length from the listed in "Productions" or "Student Productions" near the bottom of this page.


Broadcast Meteorology Practicum

Spaceship Earth

Climate & History

Cultural Geography

Film Productions

"Full-Length Productions Seen on PBS"

Returning to Paradise: Voices of the Human Spirit-A Preview (2011)
Exploring Illinois' Winter on the Prairie (2010)
Expedition Nature's Realm: A Microscopic Realm (2007) Episode 3
Expedition Nature's Realm: An Invasive Nature (2008) Episode 4
Expedition Nature's Realm: Fields of Plenty (2008) Episode 5
Expedition Nature's Realm: A Looming Disaster (2008) Episode 6
Expedition Nature's Realm: The Full Circle (2008) Episode 7
Expedition Nature's Realm: The Expedition (2008) Episode 8
An Illinois Winter (2006)
A World of Winter (2004) from Indiana State University Climate Laboratory


"A Moment in Nature's Realm." Nature Music Videos


"Department Activities and Courses"



"Student Productions"



"Four Rivers Ag Report" a collaboration with WEIU-TV (PBS)



"Under the Four Rivers Skies" from "Four Rivers Ag Report" a collaboration with WEIU-TV (PBS)